Cate Silva 👋🏼
Product Designer, Developer and Technology Lover.
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Hola! I'm an energetic luso-canadian Product Designer from Toronto; I have a few years of experience under my belt. I'm currently pursuing a Master's in Computer Science & Engineering. I hold a BFA in Communication Design and Interactive Multimedia. You can learn more about my academic background from my landing page.

I'm fascinated by autonomous self-driving vehicles and human-centred interaction as well as 3D Motion Design.

My focus is creating interactive products that turn complex systems into intuitive solutions. I combine a user-centred approach based on data and display principles with an appealing visual language to deliver a compelling user interface. I've helped businesses ranging from small startups to large enterprises by creating engaging user experiences to connect with their customers.

Experienced in front-end development (HTML, CSS, JS, Vue), I know how to work hand-in-hand with engineers while working with executives and marketing to ensure user needs are aligned with business goals.

I spend most of my travelling and being out in nature, baking, going to the gym, and learning new things within design, and I'm always taking on new side-projects.

Don't hesitate to reach out to work together or just to say hello 🤙🏼.

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