Cate Silva 👋🏼
Product Designer, Developer and Technology Lover.
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PAS - Advisor Center

Purpose Advisors Solutions (PAS) is a FinTech start up, an online investment management platform for financial advisors and a division of Purpose Investments.

This web-based SaaS white-label application delivers an end-to-end solution to simplify advisor practices, offering wealth firms and advisors, modern and intuitive tools that integrate digital workflows across CRM, portfolio management, reporting, compliance and trading.

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UX Researcher & UX, UI Design

The company developed and released a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the business model to customers and see its efficiency in the market by early consumers. I was brought in to redesign the app from the ground up and work on the first desktop version of the application, while ensuring that the necessary features were released and the user experience was friendly as well as consistent enough.

Competitors Research

A thorough phase of research and analysis of competitors, related apps, and other inspirations was carried out in order to grant a base knowledge of what was earlier on out there.


Collected data and created profiles of a customer based on information from a range of sources to lay out a user group that runs into an identical problem, this allowed to have a clear picture of the user’s goals and motivations, as well on how they would interact with the product.

Function and Core Features Flows

Sign-up/Registration, Profile and User Settings, Team Management, Client Onboarding, Client List, Client Profile, Corporate Profiles, Financial Risk Assessment, Open, Transfer or Close an account (registered, non-registered), Transferring Funds Into or Out and Systematic Investments, Documents Management, Notifications, etc...

Organizing Information

Defined the Information Architecture and User Flows by building documents of the ideal application infrastructure, features and hierarchy. The generalized structure of the product presented below allowed anyone to understand how this version of the product works.

User Story Mapping

Visually mapped out the user stories by breaking down the customer journey phase by phase in hope to validate and build shared understanding of the steps to create all the features.


After I mapped out the IA of the app, I've made a few overall improvements to the existing flows to help the user focus and avoid distraction. Then, I focused on developing the new functions and core features. Currently, they have a simpler interface with the compulsory functions.

Final Solution Prototypes

I created a new design system, then worked closely with their team of developers to update the look and feel, later the end result was a sleeker, more refined experience.


Product Manager: Miguel Fernando, Lead Front-End Developer: Michael Valentine, Back-End: Atta